Assemblage; Wood, metal glass, printed paper, dried animal bladder. 100 x 200 x 12 cms (variable measurements). 2002. 1st prize, Salon de Arte Novel, 2012.
Assemblage; Glass, animal bladder, wood, cooper, metal, printed paper and wire. 250 x 250 x 60 mm. 2002.
Assemblage; Oil on dried animal bladder, wood, cooper, metal, paper and wire. 250 x 200 x 120 mm. 2002.
Assemblage; Glass, animal bladder, wood, metal, printed paper. 250 x 200 x 60 mm. 2002.
Assemblage; animal bladder, wood, metal, wire and plastic toy. 250 x 20 x 80 mm. 2002.
Assemblage; Animal bladder, wood, metal, plastic toy and wire. 250 x 350 x 70 mm. 2002.
Assemblage; Animal bladder, wood, metal, plastic toy, plaster and wire. 250 x 350 x 70 mm. 2002.
I have been collecting objects and materials since childhood. Whether I know where they come from or not doesn’t matter, my only interest in them is their materiality: the rusty metal, the rotten scratched wood, the old paint and dirty surfaces, the wrinkled or ripped paper.